Bear Valley Lock and Key logo

You can count on us to get you out of your tough situation when it comes to your locks


Front door

Make sure your new home jumps off to a safe start

Did you just move into a new place and want to get new locks installed? We can gladly install new locks in your home. Whether you need it for the entrance door or other rooms in your home, we can get it done. You can ensure that your installation will be quick and simple and without any hassle.

Key of a car

Protect your windows and vehicle

Do you want to take your security measures to another level? Let us install quality locks on your home windows or your vehicle.


You will have a peace of mind knowing that you have taken additional safety measures for your home and your vehicle. 

Locksmith installing the doorlock

Lock installation service

 • New locks installed

 • Vehicle

 • Home

 • Window

 • High security locks

If you’re not sure which key your vehicle has, just call us and ask. We’d be glad to help

We offer light roadside service and gas delivery.

We have a free 24-hour baby emergency when your child is locked. Our company is trusted by tourists and locals

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